A vegetable seller in the city center of Kumasi, Ghana.
Image Credit: ZSM from commons.wikimedia.org
The Department of Nutrition and Food Science is leading a charge to get University of Maryland students involved in food security issues in Africa, more specifically, in the country of Ghana.
Ghana was selected as a focus country for Feed the Future – the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative that aims to partner government agencies with representatives in these countries to develop their agricultural sectors and break the cycle of poverty and hunger.
Recently, UMD’s NFSC department hosted a conference on food security in Ghana that featured national and international experts from agencies including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Edusei Foundation.
Additionally, the department is organizing a new study abroad course to Ghana to take place between May 23 and June 12. During the course, students will: learn about the living conditions of a growing population; explore the policy-making process by interacting with government agencies and attending Parliament discussions; attend seminars by local experts and university professors; visit ministerial departments, local NGOs and agencies that deal with food and nutrition security; tour sites of interest around Ghana.
While Ghana has enjoyed economic growth and record poverty reduction in recent years, major health challenges remain ranging from undernutrition in certain areas of the country to high incidents of obesity in others, as well as poor infant feeding practices, maternal anemia and inadequate sanitation facilities.
“We need to recognize that hunger is only part of the problem. There needs to be a focus on proper nutrition in the diet to promote a healthy population,” says Margaret Udahogora, director of the dietetics program in NFSC, who will also be leading the study abroad course in Ghana. “This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity for students.”
For more information about studying abroad in Ghana can be found at http://ter.ps/sunfsc or by contacting Udahogora at mudahogo@umd.edu or 301-405-1018. The deadline to apply is March 1st.