Dr. Maifan Silitonga
Princess Anne, MD -- UMES has appointed Dr. Maifan Silitonga as the Associate Administrator for the 1890 Extension Program effective September 12, 2016.
Dr. Silitonga brings with her a wealth of experience from several land grant universities. She was the Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems, Kentucky State University with responsibilities cutting across all three land grant mission areas. Prior to that she served as Director for the Mississippi River Research Center/Center for Ecology and Natural Resources at Alcorn State University.
She also worked at Oklahoma State University where she obtained her masters and doctorate degrees in environmental science. Dr. Silitonga has had several engagements at the national level including serving as chair of the USDA-NIFA Southern Region Water Program, and as a member of the Water Resource Working Group for the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. She has also served on the USDA-NIFA Plan of Work National Committee.
Dr. Silitonga was honored as a Kentucky Colonel by the Governor of Kentucky for contributing to public and community service. She also received an Outstanding Environmental Accomplishment Award from Oklahoma State University. Dr. Silitonga is a Fellow by the Food System Leadership Institute.